Monday, March 14, 2005 :::

cherry limeade chilled to perfection

lus bought 4 six packs of ibc's cherry limeade at walmart last night.
we put them in my bed, 'cause there was a car parked too close to open my third door.
when we got back to my place we forgot about the sodas in my bed.
we came in and jacked around... I didn't remember about the sodas 'till after we'd been here about an hour and a half.
since it was 38 degrees outside, he just said that he'd left 'em out there to chill.
fast forward to today.
now a while ago we went to josie's (a mexican restaurant) for brkfst/dinner - @ ~ 0330 or so...
we took his car, and blah blah blah.
he was fussing about how I don't have hardly anything to drink... when I remembered he'd left his sodas in my bed!
so we reach over and grab all 4 six packs and bring them inside.
and let me tell you, they are good.
I love cherry limeade.

::: posted by tinafish at 4:36 AM :::